November update

FOSP is over the moon with the total raised at this year’s Firework display – it is well over £8000, which is simply amazing. Thanks must go to all the parents, staff and governors who gave their time and enthusiasm to make this event a success again this year. Special mention to Alex Dey whose tenacious organisation and leadership brought the whole event together.

We’re now turning our attention to the festive season, you will have received a letter from us this week with details of the Christmas Fayre, chocolate stall, raffles, Christmas jumper swap and more. Any help you can offer with volunteering to wrap gifts, staff stalls or sourcing raffle prizes is gratefully received, please contact FOSP or return your details on the reply slip on the letter. As with the fireworks; many hands make light work!

We’re looking forward to welcoming lots of children to the Discos on the 18th – please tape £3 to a card for entry. Tuck and glitter face paint will be on sale as usual and the DJ is ready to play to a packed dance floor.

If you’re underway with your seasonal shopping please consider using EasyFundraising, you can support St Peter’s without it costing you anything extra… who doesn’t love a bit of giving while you’re getting?! 

Many thanks to all our volunteers and supporters, FOSP