FOSP events
We will keep updating this page with our events for the year. Some of the dates will need to be TBC as they will rely on external factors, but we will do our best to confirm them as soon as possible!
If you want to get involved in any of these events, then just get in touch. It might be you help run the bar for an hour at Inflatables Day, support the Father’s Day stall for one lunchtime in school, or put up some posters to advertise the Scarecrow Trail.
With future events, we are always looking for support in having prizes donated, match funding or time actually organising or setting up an event. You don’t have to be on the committee to help and you won’t even need to attend any meetings if you don’t want to!
Spring term
Bag2School: 23rd January – confirmedFilm night: 1st February – confirmed – find out more here- Spring disco: 7th February – confirmed
- eBay postcard auction: tbc – more information is here
- Mother’s Day stall: March
- Non-uniform day: 28th March
- Easter raffle: 4th April (winners pulled, tickets sold for two weeks before)
Summer term
- Spare change bottle challenge: 22nd April – 9th May
- Summer disco: 25th April
- No- uniform day: 9th May
- Inflatables: 18th May
- Scarecrow Trail: 24th May – 1st June
- Car wash: 9th June
- Match funding individual sponsorship: June – July
- Father’s Day stall: June
- Final Monday of school cake sale: July

Disco time
The spring disco is on Friday 7th February (Infants 5-6pm, Juniors 6.15- 7.15pm).
Stick £3 to a piece of card with your child’s name on it for quick entry.
This time we are also running a quiet craft space in Miss Vianello’s classroom during both discos if any children need a short break from the dancing. Please let your children know about this if you think they may be interested. We will be offering bracelet and card making – costs for this and all the tuck can be found below.
If you can help volunteer at the disco, please sign up here.
Food and drink:
- Click to Lick: £1
- Flumps: 50p
- Dweebs: 50p
- Rainbow belts: 50p
- Crisps: 50p
- Chocolate: 50p
- Mini burgers: 40p
- Rainbow drops: 30p
- Swizzles whistles: 30p
- Haribo: 30p
- Tango shockers: 20p
- Swizzles sweets: 10p
- Water bottles: 50p
- Tattoos: 50p
- Glitter: £1
- Bracelet making (to do at the craft space or to take home): £1
- Card-making: 50p