Raise donations when you shop online

Sign up today Start collecting donations for FOSP

Turn your everyday shopping into donations for FOSP! Sign up to easyfundraising and help us without having to do anything at all – it really does all add up and make a huge difference.

Over 3,500 large retailers are included, such as Just Eat, Amazon, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS, eBay, Boden and M&S.

Every time you shop, we receive a small donation to say ‘thank you!’ It’s completely free and over £20m has been raised for causes just like us so far.

Setting up easyfundraising is incredibly simple. 

  1. Create an account
  2. Link your account with FOSP
  3. Use Chrome? Add a donation reminder onto your browser to make sure you don’t miss a donation
  4. If you want the donation reminder on your mobile, then there is a quick video that shows you how to do this
  5. Download the app on mobile and then search for a retailer on there and when it opens, it should track the donation – for example, if you fancy a takeaway, go to the app, search ‘Just Eat’ and then click open. It will open the app and the order you place will result in a donation for FOSP

And that is it! When you go onto a website that offers donations, a reminder should pop up and you can make sure those pennies start adding up. 

If you still can’t figure easyfundraising out but would love to be able to help with this, send us a message and we can do a one-to-one session to show you how to use it. That single session could end up being worth hundreds of pounds to FOSP over the years.