
Our committee plays a crucial role in enriching the school experience for our children by organising events, raising funds, and fostering a sense of community. We understand that every parent has different schedules and commitments, which is why we welcome any level of involvement. Whether you can spare just a few hours for an event or are interested in taking on a more regular role, every bit of help is invaluable. Your contributions, no matter how big or small, directly impact our school’s ability to provide enriching activities and resources for our students.

Volunteering with the PTA doesn’t mean you have to commit to everything. We appreciate that parents have various responsibilities and time constraints. You might choose to help out at a single event, assist with planning, or share your ideas at a meeting. Every effort is greatly appreciated and makes a significant difference. By joining us, even in a limited capacity, you help create a stronger, more connected school community. Together, we can continue to make our school a vibrant and supportive environment for our children.

Each October, we hold our Annual General Meeting (AGM) where we elect a new committee to steer our activities for the year ahead. However, new members are welcome to join throughout the year at any time. During our meetings, we vote on funding requests from the school, discuss changes to our activities, and plan future events. Our meetings have a fun and friendly vibe, making them a great opportunity to connect with other parents and contribute to our school’s success in a meaningful way. We look forward to seeing you there and hearing your valuable input!