FOSP AGM and new term update

FOSP had its annual AGM this month and a new committee was elected, which included a number of new parents. Welcome to everyone who is now on board! We will be updating our about page soon so you can put faces to the names. Should you have any questions for the Committee then you also know who to go to.

Our plans for the year

Following the AGM was a regular FOSP meeting, which covered a number of different topics. This included an agreement to support two key targets this year:

Physical take-home books for the new KS1 phonics scheme at a cost of £7.5k, which will allow all children to take home a learning book, rather than having to use eBooks.
Up to £20k of new playground equipment. Ideas will be put forward to the school, and pupils will ultimately get a chance to help choose what design is selected.

Every year the school has to fund replacement books for those that have never been returned and this costs hundreds of pounds. We would be extremely grateful if parents could make sure books are returned – even if one is discovered behind a sofa months later!

In addition to the above, FOSP has agreed to pay for half the cost of a Stone Age day for years 3 & 4, and will also be paying for a new shade sail in the library where it gets incredibly hot during the summer months.

Fundraising goal

FOSP has set a fundraising goal of £20k for 2022/23, with a long list of events to ensure this is reached. In order to keep supporting the school and being able to achieve these targets as well as set new ones, we do need as much help as possible, whether it is coming up with a new fundraising idea or volunteering even an hour of your time. You can find out more about FOSP’s activities or get in touch with them via

Upcoming events

There are lots of exciting plans for this term, with the return of Christmas festivities, many of which haven’t run since 2019! We will be adding more information on these to our website soon, but in the meantime, you can put the dates in your diary and get in touch if you can give an hour of your time to help out at all:

  • 5th November: Fireworks Display
  • 18th November: school disco
  • 1st December: School Christmas Fayre
  • 2nd December: FOSP non-uniform day – we ask people to bring chocolates as a donation, and these are then used for…
  • 3rd December: Coggeshall Christmas Chocolate Tombola