End of term update

FOSP has been busier than ever making sure our school community is well supported again this year. At the start of the term we agreed to purchase books for the new KS1 phonics scheme to allow every child to have a take-home reading book and we are so pleased to see this new scheme in place. We’ve also supported a Stone Age day for years 3 and 4, provided class supplies right across the school and we are in the process of working towards an even larger goal – new KS2 playground equipment. The school council has given us some ideas about what they would and would not like for this, and now our next step is to write a brief to get some exciting ideas for the children to choose from.

At the start of the term we set ourselves a target to raise £20k by the end of the school year and we are delighted to say we have already reached £12k! This is thanks to the fireworks night, disco and Christmas events. There is a fundometer just inside the entrance of the school where the children, teachers and families going in and out can see how we are doing and this has been coloured in to show the amount raised so far.

Thank you so much to everyone who has contributed. We’ve had such incredible support from so many parents, grandparents, children, teachers and staff in putting on events. Whether you were dishing up hot dogs at fireworks night or putting up lights for the Christmas Fayre, it all makes a difference and couldn’t happen without each individual.