FOSP Christmas events 2023

To help at any of our Christmas events, please sign up to a shift via our online sign up form

Monday 27th November – Wednesday 6th December – Letter to Santa

Don’t forget to send in your letters to Santa! The post box will be in the School Foyer from Monday 27th November until Wednesday 6th December. Santa has lots of messages to reply to, so please make sure the child’s name, age, and class is clearly visible. Donations are welcome (please include this with your letter or in a separate envelope to our FOSP box). A reply from the North Pole along with a yummy biscuit will be handed to the children who take part on Friday 15th December. Please note, the biscuit contains gluten and dairy. If your child has any allergies, please clearly write a note with the letter or on the envelope so we can arrange an alternative treat.

Friday 1st December – Crazy Hair & Non-Uniform Day

We are inviting children to bring chocolate goodies into school in exchange for not wearing their uniform and /or having crazy hair. There will be FOSP representatives at both entrances in the morning to collect your chocolate donations (such as a box of chocolates, a big bar of chocolate, a chocolate Santa or luxury chocolate biscuits). These will be used for our chocolate tombola stall at Coggeshall Christmas…

Saturday 2nd December 12:00- 6:00pm – Coggeshall Christmas

We welcome back our popular chocolate tombola stall, bigger and better this year with the event running until 6pm for the first time. We are buying some extra supplies to help keep us going and are appreciative of your generosity each year with chocolate donations. We hope to see you there! If you can spare some time to help us set up, an hour’s shift on the stall or help packing away, please let us know. It’s great festive fun, and the kids love to get involved and help too.

Thursday 7th December 3.30pm- 5.00pm – School Christmas Fayre

Time for the school’s fun family event… Year 5 and 6 have started working on their games to fill the hall, and the teachers are planning activities for their classrooms.

This year, FOSP will be running a BBQ providing hot food for the children’s dinner, mulled wine to help get you in the Christmas spirit, tuck shop, and Christmas jumper and fancy-dress stall. We are really short of volunteers for this event this year; please let us know if you can help, particularly with set up or tidying up afterwards. You can also help by donating any of the following:

  • Christmas jumpers/ festive clothes: We would love to find new homes for your outgrown Christmas jumpers. Please drop off your donations to the box outside the school office from Monday 20th November.
  • Year 3&4 jam jar tombola- please pass on any filled jam jars (filled with sweets, toys, pencils or any other exciting items) to year 3&4 teachers.
  • We are also desperately seeking a volunteer to put together some hampers for our Christmas raffle- please get in touch with us if you can help with this!

Some school staff have kindly stepped in to help us run our Santa’s grotto this year. To avoid having to spend ages queueing or risk running out of gifts, we ask that you please pre-book your visit to Santa (£3 per child) online via Ticketsource.

8th, 14th and 15th December lunchtimes – Christmas Gift Stall

For those of you not familiar with the FOSP Christmas present stall, this is how it works: Santa’s elves have been busy collecting a wide variety of gifts, there’s usually always something suitable for most family members. A stall is set up during lunch time at school for the children to come and choose a gift for you and anybody else you would like them too. The present is wrapped and labelled and taken home. The children love the independence of choosing their own gifts and you get a lovely surprise! (Although not all children can keep it a secret and others often choose what they like, chocolates are often popular!)

Each gift will cost £3. A letter will soon be sent home with your child with details of payment methods, but one way is through Ticketsource – please make sure to add your child’s class details.

Thank you for your support and here’s to a happy and exciting festive season for everyone!